Simplest way to host your Ghost blog on GitHub Pages

This tutorial assumes you already have a Ghost blog that you want to host on Github Pages.

  1. Follow these instructions to create a repository for your Github Pages blog, and then clone the repo somewhere on your computer;
  2. Go to the directory where you have your Ghost blog, run ghost start and take note of the local port;
  3. Install ghost-static-site-generator;
  4. If your blog is running on the default port (2368), you can simply run from your Ghost blog's directory:
gssg --url [your-github-pages-URL]

if you're running from some other port you can specify it with the domain parameter:

gssg --url [your-github-pages-URL] --domain http://localhost:4444 

5. If everything went smoothly you now have a directory called static inside your Ghost blog's directory. You can check if everything went well by running:

gssg preview

6. Copy all of the contents of the static dir to the Github Pages repo, commit + push these new files and you're done!

Note that instead of copying the files, you can set the Github Pages repo as the destination directory as such:

gssg --url [your-github-pages-URL] --dest your-github-pages-repo